Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Robbed At Gunpoint

Is there something you can learn by being robbed at gunpoint?

As TW Jackson explains in the Magic Of Making Up System

after your initial want to set up your"1st Date" again.

AND...the MOST important part, the secret andthe part nobody else will tell ya :-) the date HAS to be EMOTIONALLY CHARGED. Okay? That DOES NOT mean 'dinner and a movie'.'s BORING...and does not create a bonding...or in our case a RE-bonding experience.

In fact, you want to pack in several emotionallycharged mini-dates in a span of a couple hours. Why? If you just do 'dinner and a movie' you loseout on a Sociologically PROVEN principle... emotionally charged experiences = bond Look at it in another way. Last time you went to the bank, do youremember the person in line in front of you? Behind you? Probably not. Me either.

But... What if while you were in the bank, itwas ROBBED AT GUNPOINT? and the robbers couldn't get the safe open. Therobbers are livid, screaming and waving huge gunsaround. The tension feels so thick you couldcut through it with a knife. You are lying face down on the cold bank floorand can see your breath fogging up the tile below. You are trembling...because it is eerily silentfor a moment.
"Oh my god!"
"Where are the robbers?"
"Are they behind me?"
"Are they watching me?"

So you slowly move your eyes around andsee a sweet older lady lying right next to you. She looks a little like Grandma, and you comeout of your own haze enough to realize that sheis even more terrified than you. She is softly sobbing. You slowly reach out and take her hand in yoursand give her a little squeeze that says..."it's gonna be all right." NOW! Let me ask? Are you going to EVER forget that older lady? and... Do you think she will EVER forget you? Not in a million Sundays!

Now...I'm not saying to go rob a bank onyour first date! LOL. But you want to go on an EMOTIONALLYcharged and exciting date...and preferably severalmini-dates in a span of a couple hours. A short roller coaster ride is one GREAT example.

T Dub teaches you more about things like emotionallycharged dates in the Magic Of Making Up System.

You'll also discover psychological tactics and techniquesyou can use to get you BACK on that first date with yourex again.

Best Wishes,


PS Get a special unannounced bonus called 'Mind Magic'when you reserve your copy of the Magic Of Making UpSystem through this special link:

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